
Both theory of evolution and creationism need their specific critique

The conclusions of theory of evolution are just as little a matter of facticity as the assumptions of the Intelligent Design belief. Both conceptions are merely endeavours to create explanatory models of sections of reality.
The latter (ID) is clearly an ideology: trapped in the circle belief both as base and as end, clutching at everything that seems to be suitable as a mean for the predefined conclusion.
Also can the former (the theory of evolution) walk into the ideological trap if science of nature is pretended to be the reality of nature itself; not to mention the misuse of science by advocates of any weltanschauung (be it offensive atheism or Machiavellianism or untermensch ideologies).

For their own truths' sake, both conceptions need their specific philosophical criticism: science critique and critique of religion respectively. In case evolutionists and ID-creationists take up this challenge (both minding their own business, not the others'), I can't see an impediment to reconcile both conceptions with each other -: What could prevent me from viewing evolution as a matter of "intelligent design"?

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